WANTED: Young people that want to be the creators of tomorrow's technologies!
Come learn and explore new skills including: web design, video production, computer programming & game design, and more.
Have fun learning how to use these skills to find your voice and change your world.

technology workshops for parents and middle school


JTA periodically runs fun and engaging Technology, Engineering & Technical Training seminars and workshops(camps) during the year. JTA workshops are ideal for creative youth between 7 to 17 years of age. JTA workshops result in games, films, portfolios and prototypes that you can take home and showcase. Workshops are a fun way to pick up new skills; get a taste of a field of work or profession. They are usually scheduled during school breaks, when longer sessions are possible.
There are no pre-requisites for admission to workshops.


Seminars are geared at adults and cover a range of topics including basic computer skillssocial media for businesses and organizations, keeping children safe on the internet & smartphones. 

Seminar and Workshop dates will be announced as they come available. If you are interested in leading a workshop or seminar, please contact us.

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